DIGITECH is a premier Information Technology company providing software and web enabled services to wide variety of client base across, UK. DIGITECH specializes in the arena of Software Development, Website Designing, Web Development and E-commerce Solutions.
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Database Administration

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Database-Administration Services

Our strong software engineering background makes us uniquely qualified to create a successful solution for virtually any type of application development and database development projects. We have done many projects with SQL Server & Oracle. Now, we're ready to apply our knowledge and expertise to the unique challenges and requirements of your operation.

With turn of the century, paperwork is being omitted and everything is gradually moving Online. Thus need arises to gather all Information in a Secure place that can be later called upon for inspection, review or even editing.

DIGITECH IT Solutions Data Administration team works with full professionalism to deliver, secure and maintain your business data and give you your peace of mind. Our expert services lie in following skill sets:

  • Microsoft SQL Server

  • Oracle 11g

We've served more than 100 worldwide clients, you the NEXT!

  •   45 Gatwick Road, Crawley,
         West Sussex, RH10 9RD, United Kingdom - UK
  •   0845 139 0040
  •   0208 088 1900
  • info@digitechitsolutions.co.uk

About Digitech

DIGITECH is a premier Information Technology company providing software and web enabled services to wide variety of client base across, UK. DIGITECH specializes in the arena of Software Development, Website Designing, Web Development and E-commerce Solutions.

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