DIGITECH is a premier Information Technology company providing software and web enabled services to wide variety of client base across, UK. DIGITECH specializes in the arena of Software Development, Website Designing, Web Development and E-commerce Solutions.
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CMS Website

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We Build Content Management System!

A content management system (CMS) is a computer application that allows publishing, editing and modifying content, organizing, deleting as well as maintenance from a central interface.

Keeping in mind need for maintaining up to date and accurate data, it is extremely important for Businesses to adopt CMS systems. Not only does it provide a lot of useful and helpful features it also helps out in keeping website content fresh and latest.
  • Content Management

    Content management system at heart and has some seriously great features that make organising and managing your content a breeze.

  • Search Smarter

    With the built in search and smart search, your website visitors will be able to quickly and easily find the appropriate information on your site.

  • Multilingual

    We build the most popular and widely supported open source multilingual CMS platform in the world, offering more than 64 languages.

  • Integrated Help System

    In-app contextual help system to help every level of user to operate. Most pages have a help button in the top right, helping you fully understand all options on that page.

  • Media Manager

    The Media Manager is the tool for easily uploading, organizing and managing your media files and folders.

  • Banner Management

    With the banner manager you have the possibility to easily add advertising and monetize your website.

  • User Management

    Our CMS has a registration system that allows users to configure personal options.

  • System Features

    Speedy page loads are possible with page caching, granular-level module caching, and GZIP page compression.

  • Web Services

    In a web where content is being shared across multiple networks,our system makes it easy to manage your content from a single location.

  • Tagging

    When categorisation is not enough to structure your content, it's time to look at a flat organisation structure which is best served by tagging.

Joomla is one of the world's most popular software packages used to build, organize, manage and publish content for websites, blogs, Intranets and mobile applications. Owing to its scalable MVC architecture its also a great base to build web applications.

With more than 3 percent of the Web running on Joomla and a CMS market share of more than 9 percent, Joomla! powers the web presence of hundreds of thousands of small businesses, governments, non-profits and large organizations worldwide

WordPress powers more than 17% of the web - a figure that rises every day. Everything from simple websites, to blogs, to complex portals and enterprise websites, and even applications, are built with WordPress.

WordPress combines simplicity for users and publishers with under-the-hood complexity for developers. This makes it flexible while still being easy-to-use.

The features module enables the capture and management of features in Drupal. A feature is a collection of Drupal entities which taken together satisfy a certain use-cas.

A 3.x version of Features is planned for Drupal 8 to integrate with the new configuration management system. If you simply need to export simple site configuration, the D8 configuration management system should be used instead of Features.

We've served more than 100 worldwide clients, you the NEXT!

  •   45 Gatwick Road, Crawley,
         West Sussex, RH10 9RD, United Kingdom - UK
  •   0845 139 0040
  •   0208 088 1900
  • info@digitechitsolutions.co.uk

About Digitech

DIGITECH is a premier Information Technology company providing software and web enabled services to wide variety of client base across, UK. DIGITECH specializes in the arena of Software Development, Website Designing, Web Development and E-commerce Solutions.

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