DIGITECH is a premier Information Technology company providing software and web enabled services to wide variety of client base across, UK. DIGITECH specializes in the arena of Software Development, Website Designing, Web Development and E-commerce Solutions.
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Professional Development. Satisfied Customers Around the World.

DIGITECH is a premier Information Technology company providing software and web enabled services to wide variety of client base across, UAE, Dubai, UK, Canada, China and Pakistan. DIGITECH specializes in the arena of Software Development, Website Designing, Web Development, and E-commerce Solutions. That help our clients grow and succeed by better managing their finances and employees.

What We Do?

Our professionalism and team spirit ensures delivery of your project in time and also customer’s highest satisfaction. We have assembled a multiple tiered team of analysts and developers that are with project every step of the way.

Our highly professional team guarantees the project remains vital and delivers it with efficiency, accuracy and dedication. This gives us our highest standard of quality and customer’s ultimate satisfaction.

Our aim is to provide all our customers with a top level professional IT service in a timely manner which exceeds our customers' expectations.DIGITECH IT Solutions takes a consultative approach to its services, working closely with clients to arrive at solutions that meet the needs of the client and fall within the budget perimeters. Taking every problem as a challenge our team of experts have great insight into the latest market trends for every aspect of the project they are involved in.

We are the most widely accepted approach to IT Service Management in the world. DIGITECH provides a cohesive set of best practice drawn from the public and private sectors across the globe and has been adopted by DIGITECH IT Solutions. The presence of practises in our business allows us to provide a practical, no-nonsense and consistent framework.

Our philosophy at DIGITECH IT Solutions is to provide an open, honest and flexible environment; to encourage technical ideas and growth; starting each day with a fresh perspective to technical issues. To view every day through the eyes of the Client and ending each day knowing that we have positively contributed to the business needs of our Clients.


  • Successully deplyoed the ERP system at Sameer Enterprises.
  • Certified IT Consultant Firm.
  • Result Oriented SEO.
  • Best Discount Web Packages.

Who We Are

Complex problems get solved faster with the right team. We offer specialists across multi disciplines, from support desk technical staff, project managers, security experts, IT business consultants and networking specialists, to back-office technicians. Our skills cover all the IT technologies needed to support your business.

A global software company that simplifies the development, deployment and management of business applications on-premise or on any cloud, on any platform and on any device with minimal IT complexity and low total cost of ownership.

Web Design & Development

Business Consultancy

Software Development

SEO Services
We've served more than 100 worldwide clients, you the NEXT!

  •   45 Gatwick Road, Crawley,
         West Sussex, RH10 9RD, United Kingdom - UK
  •   0845 139 0040
  •   0208 088 1900
  • info@digitechitsolutions.co.uk

About Digitech

DIGITECH is a premier Information Technology company providing software and web enabled services to wide variety of client base across, UK. DIGITECH specializes in the arena of Software Development, Website Designing, Web Development and E-commerce Solutions.

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